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Chairman of Organizing Committee of the SIEFF CHOI Yul
CHOI Yul Chairman of Organizing Committee of the SIEFF

Greetings, my name is Choi Yul, chairman of the SIEFF organizing committee. This year marks the 21st anniversary of the Seoul International ECO Film Festival. When films are able to inspire us, the weight of complex issues like climate change and the environ-ment can feel lighter. Right now, nothingcould be more important. With 2,800 films from 130 countries entered into this year’s festival, it is clear that people everywhere are focused on greater sustainability. A sin-gle film can change the world. Thank you for joining us at this year’s Seoul International ECO Film Festival.

Festival Director of the SIEFF JEONG Jaeseung
JEONG Jaeseung Festival Director of the SIEFF

Seoul International ECO Film Festival is like a school. When you step out of the class-room and go into the world, you engage in thought-provoking discussions about environmental issues with those around you, continuing to enrich your own under-standing. In my opinion, no education could be more important.
Seoul International ECO Film Festival is also like a living room, where families gather to watch movies about our planet and come up with solu-tions together. For two decades, the Seoul International ECO Film Festival has shown us how environmental issues are everyone's responsibility. It holds a special position as a platform for showing excellent films that put the environment on center stage.
I hope the festival will one day evolve into a sort of chorus, where we all gather together in song to vocalize our advocacy for the planet.

Festival Director of the SIEF LEE Meekyung
LEE Meekyung Festival Director of the SIEFF

Our humble festival, which began in 2004 by screening films in just three theaters, has grown into one of the world's top three environmental film festivals. We have expanded to include digital theaters, IPTV, public broadcasting, and screenings in school classrooms. Last year alone, our films reached 240,000 students.
This year’s festival will be shared with diverse organi-zations, ranging from local governments, libraries, and grassroots movements to businesses. I am elated by the fact that among 3,000 entries, 70 films will be viewed by more than one million viewers. As three-dimensional texts, environmental films bring ecosystems to life. They serve as a form of media that enables us to collectively envision a sustainable future while taking the initial actions needed to combat the climate crisis together.
See you at the Seoul Inter-national ECO Film Festival from June 5th to June 30th! Ready, Climate, Action 2024!

최열 환경재단 이사장
강태선 BYN블랙야크 회장
강찬수 환경신데믹연구소 소장
금난새 뉴월드 필하모닉 오케스트라 음악감독
김동녕 한세예스24홀딩스 대표이사
김미화 자원순환사회연대 이사장
김선희 매일유업 대표이사 부회장
김종량 학교법인 한양학원 이사장
김형진 세종텔레콤 대표이사 회장
김홍남 이화여대 명예교수
문국현 뉴패러다임인스티튜트 대표
봉 욱 김앤장 법률사무소 변호사
유홍준 명지대 석좌교수
윤석금 웅진그룹 회장
윤제균 영화감독
은희경 소설가
이명세 영화감독
이상봉 ㈜이상봉 대표
이희범 부영그룹 회장
장미희 영화배우
장사익 음악인
제정임 세명대 저널리즘스쿨 학원장
조선희 작가
최병오 패션그룹형지 회장
최재천 이화여대 석좌교수
한경구 유네스코 한국위원회 사무총장
정재승 KAIST 뇌인지과학과 교수
이미경 환경재단 대표
강미선 이화여자대학교 교수
강윤성 영화감독
길영민 JK필름 대표
김미현 SK증권 ESG추진실장
김영진 명지대학교 교수
김요한 비욘드제이 부사장
김춘이 전)환경운동연합 사무총장
박준경 뉴 아이디 대표
서우식 프로듀서
윤순진 서울대학교 교수
이유진 녹색전환연구소 소장
이윤정 김앤장법률사무소 변호사
이택수 리얼미터 대표이사
장영엽 씨네21 대표
정상민 아우라픽처스 대표
조진만 조진만 건축사무소 대표
조한상 제일기획 요즘연구소 소장